Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hello guys!

       On Thursday, July 10th, I was chatting on facebook with a couple of friends when suddenly one of them shares a picture (picture on your right) on her Timeline, and as every facebook addicted I’ve read what was written in the photo and I saw something that I didn’t know about so I thought it would be a good idea to share with you guys. 

First of all, I have some questions for you.
Have you ever felt…
  1.         Anxiety while you wait for a text message or comments?
  2.        Insecure because of people’s opinion on social network?
  3.        Depressed when you don’t have data (internet) therefore you’re not able to be Online?
  4.       Low self-esteem because of what someone might have sad about you, maybe your pictures or even if nobody says a peep about them?

            Well, those questions above reflect the risks that teens (not only) face from texting overmuch every day without a break like an addiction or a drug, what some of them don’t know is that texting all the time can bring you serious injuries. This affliction is called; repetitive thumb syndrome, Blackberry thumb, Nintendo thumb, iPod thumb or text messaging thumb. 

How to know if you suffer of text messaging thumb?

Easy, the symptoms are:
1-Pain: At the base of the thumb which may continue to occur even when the thumb is not being used for texting
2- Aches: In the wrist, thumb web area or in the base of thumb joint
3-Muscle tension: In the area between the thumb and index finger
4-Tendon Pain: Associated with particular movements and positions of the thumb

           For moderate the pain you can wear a splint, pain killers, applying ice packs to the affected area and prolonged rest but my advice, go to see a doctor just to make sure that you’re on the right path. Researches were made and it shows that American teenagers on average send and receive about 100 messages a day and 2,300 text messages per month now think about this happening globally and also think about the consequences and how it can affect our future.

Explaining the topic
  • Textaphrenia
Is thinking a message had arrived when it hadn't and it is connected to Textiety witch is the anxious feeling of not receiving or sending text messages. With Textaphrenia and Textiety you feel like no one cares about you, no one loves you that are why no one is contacting you.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Involved physical and mental injuries from texting, like walking into things while texting and even crossing a road without looking.

·        Binge texting 
Is when teens send multiple texts to feel good about them and try to attract responses, this is the reverse of the anxiety because you feel excluded, you think you've been left out so you send a lot of texts and wait for responses desolated. 

Fall as sleep while waiting for a response
Waiting anxiously 

What really means to socialize?
This is not socializing

For me socialize means” To make fit for companionship with others” it means; be around people and do something. We can do better than just sitting home looking at the scream, filling miserable, bored, tired, lazy and sometimes crusty, on the other hand if it makes you feel better you may also think that you can prevent accident from happening by been alert on the streets and not let S.N distract you while you’re on class studying or doing something that require your full attention. Further down there is some pictures representing everything this post is about. Chatting is good but socialize with other people physically is thousand times better so let’s DO IT!

Playing Soccer

Typing while driving is too dangerous

Friends going out for a drink
Typing on class

Friends socializing, having fun together playing boiling 

Friends having fun on the pool


  1. I totally agree with you, these days everything has to do with phones, apps and Google of course. I cannot say that I am out of it because as a teenager I include myself sometimes is this kind of problems.

    Maybe you would notice that us (international students) stay connected to social networks a LOT of time, but I guess it is just because we need to keep in touch with our love ones. However; we are here to make friends too so I totally support your ideas :).
    Congrats you did a good job.

  2. definitely, i like this topic, it is very interesting that you had written about this kind of disease.
    i dont consider me as textaprhenia girl haha , but before my new cellphone i had a blackberry and i used to chat a lot of and by the time i started to feel pain in my thumb and my wrist. i had to use a hand splint in my right arm haha and i still have it.

    PD; ( i like the last picture, i dont now why :P )
