Friday, August 2, 2013

Principal Parks of my country (Angola)

The Flora an Fauna are part od the natural heritage of Angola. Tousrists often like to see unic places and live unic experiences.

In Angola there are 13 areas of environmental protection and they are divided by 6 national park, 1 regional park, 2 integral nature reserves and 4 partial reserves.

1. Quissama National Park, main area of ​​environmental protection Angola, is in the province of Bengo. It has an area of 9.600km2 and its fauna is composed of Manati, roan and tortoise. The is also a variety of birds.

2. Cangandala National Park, is located in the province of Malanje. It has an area of 600 km2 and its fauna includes the Palanca Negra Gigante, species unique to Angola.

3. Bicuar National Park, is located in the province of Huila, has an area of ​​7.900km2 its fauna and the highlight is the black buffalo.

4. Iona National Park, is the biggest park and is located in the province of Namibe. Is highlighted by Mountain Zebra and then we also have cudu, dik-dik, elephant, giraffe, oryx, still jackal, lion, cheetah and hyena-stained. The population of these animals is unknown and some species such as black rhino, was probably extinct.
5. Kameia National Park, is located in the province of Moxico, its area is 14,450 km2 and fauna includes chango, gnu-blue, wild boar, lechwe, topi, even lion, cheetah and leopard but the star of this park is the girafe.

  6. National Park Mupa is located north Cunene Province and occupies an area of 6,600 km2, animals such as Cahama, lion, leopard and hyena are found there.

A big part of the animal were extint because of civil war.Besides flora, fauna has a huge Importance in parks for the equilibrium of the ecosystem and Also and for medicinal value.

I hope you guys liked this post!

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