Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Animal Intelligence

           Animal intelligence is the study of the origins of animal intelligence by reviewing the mental processes of other species. The basic premise of this research is that we need to understand the processes of association and learning in other animals in order to understand how human culture, art, religion, mathematics and more may have developed.

    In my Listening Speaking class we've been talking about animal inteligence. So it was quite interesting to know what some animals can do, but first i have some questions for you.
Do you think animal are inteligent? Do you think they are able to do the same things that humans can or at least the basic stuffs? Do animals have rights? Well, these questions may seems some stupid ans pretty easy but just wait and take your conclusiosn later. stood out between the others for me animals.

  1. Which of those things do you think some animal can do?
  2. Create words and symbols
  3. Do simple math like addition
  4. Recognize themselves in a mirror
  5. Play tricks on humans in order to get something
  6. Show sense of humor
  7. Show grief at the lost of a loved one
  8. Lie to others

         Well if you said yes to all you're absolutely corret. May suprise you but some animal like chimps, dolphins and even elefants can recognize themselves in the mirror. But you my ask yourself how cientists know that? Is there any kind of test? Yes there is. Cientists says that some animals have the same level of inteligence that a 4 or 5 years old child, so for this test they usually put a mark in the face or other visible part of the animal and put the animal in front of a mirror. And what they do is, they notice that something is different and they try to clean the mark because it wasnt there before.
Parrot can learn about math, size and shape of thinks etc, and tell you later all that he have learned. They also can count until six and tell you what he wants to eat and what he doesn't like.
Killer whales are funny, playfull and smart. They use fish to bate seagulls and this is a exactly prove of inteligence.

        Animal like chimps, Dolphins, Perrots, elefants, dogs, crows, killer wells are the most likely to show an behavier of inteligence, they help another, they trick to get something, they play and socialize just like most of us do. By intelligence i mean the ability of the animal to learn, think, and solve problems.

      Animal rights is what Americans can be a bone of contention because is not in law but the commom sense that difere each person mau cause struggle between people.  therefore you won't penalized for any damage unless it affects another human in many different ways. So what I could conclude in my research about animal rights is that, it depends of each one of us, if we love then we must respect then, provide the best for them and protect them like we protect our selves. So take your conclusions but alaways remember, a pet can increase your happines 7-10%.

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